Pin Valley National Park
Pin Valley National Park is located in
Lahaul & Spiti district,
Himachal Pradesh. It is at an altitude of 3,300 – 6,632 m above the sea level. It is the part of the beautiful land and showcases the best of floral and faunal species. It was established in the year 1987. The park is inhabited with numerous medicinal herbs and spices. It makes it a valuable land for pharmacists.

Tourists enjoy the unique fauna and flora of the national park and also love to roam around the region. The areas are dominated by the influence of Tibetan culture. It is strictly reserved for the betterment of biodiversity& wildlife. The activities like poaching, hunting, developmental, forestry, and grazing on cultivation are not permitted. Their boundaries are well marked and restricted.
Juniperus mecropoda, Populus Spp., Aconitum rotundifolium, Arnebia euchroma, Ephedra gerardiana, Ferula jaeschkeana, Juniper & Birch trees, Salix spp. & Myricaria spp., Myricaria Shrubs, Betula Utilis, Hyoscymus niger etc.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row height=”auto”][vc_column][ultimate_info_banner banner_title=”Explore more Tour Packages Here” banner_desc=”Get The Best Of Himachal Tour Packages With Himalayan Trips” button_text=”Explore Now” button_link=”|||” banner_image=”id^8633|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^Untitled design|description^null” button_color=”#dd9933″ button_text_color=”#ffffff”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row height=”auto”][vc_column][vc_column_text]
Mammals –Blue sheep, Wooly flying squirrel, Himalayan black bear, Himalayan brown bear, Mouse hare, Indian wolf, Tibetan Gazelle, Wooly Hare, Snow Leopard, Himalayan Ibex, Red fox, Wolf, Bharal, Himalayan marmot, Indian porcupine, etc.
Birds –Tibet Snow Finch, Bearded Vulture, Golden Eagle, Aquia cryaetos, Himalayan Snow Cock, Chukor, Golden Eagle, Griffon, Cough, Raven, Blue Rock Pigeon, Snow Pigeon, Yellow billed and Red billed Choughs, Kestrels, etc.
Other Attractions
- Kyil Khor or Mystic Mandala temple
- Dhankar Gompa
- Tabo Gompa
- The ancient Tabo and Ki monasteries
Time to Visit Pin Valley National Park
The region has always been a cold desert; conditions are generally cold and dry. It receives heavy snowfall in winter and the rainfall is average. The best time to visit Pin Valley National Park is between May-Oct.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][us_logos columns=”5″ items=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]